Regional Jet & Turboprop Activity for 20-Jul-2017

17000147 - ERJ-175LR C-FRQN Toronto-Pearson, ON 23-Apr-2017 Kenneth I. Swartz/Aeromedia Communications



7452 - CL600-2B19 (200LR) N452RH Regional One Inc., Miami, FL (Southern Aircraft Trustee)

Noted still parked at Bangor, ME 03-Jun-2017, all white, no titles. Fully intact, and with engines.

7579 - CL600-2B19 (200LR) N877AS Skywest Airlines Inc., St. George, UT

Flew Tucson-Int'l, AZ - Chicago-O'Hare, IL 20-Jul-2017 to enter service. Aircraft had been at Tucson since 02-Jun-2017.

7648 - CL600-2B19 (200LR) N907EV Skywest Airlines Inc., St. George, UT

Flew Clarksburg, WV - South Bend, IN 19-Jul-2017 to enter service. Aircraft had been at Clarksburg since 09-May-2017.

7752 - CL600-2B19 (200LR) N914EV Skywest Airlines Inc., St. George, UT

Flew Clarksburg, WV - South Bend, IN 16-Jul-2017; entered service 18-Jul-2017 South Bend, IN - Detroit-Metro, MI.

10029 - CL600-2C10 (701) VT-RJE Regional One Inc., Miami, FL

Noted still parked at Bangor, ME 03-Jun-2017, in full Air India Regional c/s. Aircraft had arrived at Bangor on 15-Jan-2017.

15057 - CL600-2D24 (900LR) EC-JNB Air Nostrum, Valencia (Regional One Inc.)

Updating entry for 18-Jul-2017; flew Valencia - Ljubljana 17-Jul-2017 on delivery to Adria Airways.

55008 - BD500-1A11 (CS300) C-FOWY Bombardier Inc., Montréal, QC

Officially exported from Canada 19-Jul-2017 to Latvia as YL-CSF for Air Baltic.


145642 - EMB-135KL N382SK Wells Fargo Bank Northwest Trustee, Salt Lake City, UT

Test flown from Nashville, TN 16-Jul-2017 and flew Nashville, TN - Bangor, ME - Goose Bay, NL on delivery to South Africa.

17000674 - ERJ170-200LR (175LR) N257NN Envoy Air Inc., Irving, TX (American Airlines)

Entered service 20-Jul-2017 Dallas/Fort Worth, TX - Cincinnati, OH.

17000675 - ERJ170-200LR (175LR) N258NN Envoy Air Inc., Irving, TX (American Airlines)

Entered service 20-Jul-2017 Dallas/Fort Worth, TX - Little Rock, AR.

17000677 - ERJ170-200LR (175LR) N748YX Republic Airlines, Indianapolis, IN (United Airlines)

Entered service 20-Jul-2017 Columbus, OH - Newark-Liberty, NJ - Memphis, TN.



BY-129 Beech B200GT (250) N56ZT Zane Kiehne, Pecos, TX

Registered 19-Jul-2017.

FL-1046 Beech B300 (350) N350ER Beechcraft Corp., Wichita, KS

Registered to Straight Flight Nevada Leasing LLC, Sparks, NV 19-Jul-2017.

UE-5 Beech 1900D C-FWXL Air Labrador Ltd., Goose Bay, NL

Flew Goose Bay, NL - Chibougamau, QC - Thunder Bay, ON 20-Jul-2017 on delivery to Wasaya Airways.

Chrono Aviation aircraft have often carried distinctive liveries, and C-FKNO is the latest, seen yesterday at St-Hubert, QC.

UE-150 Beech 1900D C-FKNO St-Hubert, QC 19-Jul-2017 Pierre Gillard Photo


76 - DHC-8-102 HK-3946 ex-AIRES Colombia

Noted at Bangor, ME 03-Jun-2017, hulk only, still in AIRES c/s (has been present since 2007)

140 - DHC-8-102 N140LS Volvo Aero Services Corp., Boca Raton, FL

Noted at Bangor, ME 03-Jun-2017, hulk only, still in basic LIAT c/s. (has been present since at least 2007)

232 - DHC-8-311 C-GDHM Inter-Aero Inc., Arnprior, ON

Repainted as such at Toronto 19-Jul-2017 and then flew Toronto-Pearson, ON - Montréal-Trudeau, QC 20-Jul-2017 on delivery. ex VH-BBU.

537 - DHC-8-103 C-FUCL Avmax Aircraft Leasing Inc., Calgary, AB

Registration cancelled 19-Jul-2017 to Norway for FlyViking AS.

537 - DHC-8-103 C-FUCL Calgary-Int'l, AB 02-Jul-2017 Vernon Harvey Photo

4454 - DHC-8-402 A6-FLA Falcon Aviation Services, Abu Dhabi

Has been acquired by Chorus Aviation Capital, for continued lease to FAS in a transaction expected to close Q3 2017. The aircraft is seen below while on lease to Senegal Airlines in 2014.

4454 DHC-8-402 A6-FLA Dakar 25-Oct-2014 Aviafan Photo

4484 - DHC-8-402 A6-FLQ Falcon Aviation Services, Abu Dhabi

Has been acquired by Chorus Aviation Capital, for continued lease to FAS in a transaction expected to close Q3 2017.

4484 DHC-8-402 A6-FLQ Abu Dhabi-Al Bateen 15-Sep-2015 Alan Wilson Photo

4486 - DHC-8-402 A6-FLR Falcon Aviation Services, Abu Dhabi

Has been acquired by Chorus Aviation Capital, for continued lease to FAS in a transaction expected to close Q3 2017. The aircraft is seen below while on lease to Ghana's Starbow in 2015.

4486 DHC-8-402 A6-FLR Accra 28-Feb-2015 Bombardier Photo

4561 - DHC-8-402 C-FUFX Bombardier Inc., Montréal, QC

Registration cancelled 19-Jul-2017 to the Philippines as RP-C5901.

4561 - DHC-8-402 C-FUFX Toronto-Downsview ON 15-Jul-2017 Frederick K. Larkin Photo

Jazz Aviation DHC-8-102 C-FGRM is seen below at Kingston, ON yesterday with thanks to Neil Aird.

199 DHC-8-102 C-FGRM Kingston, ON 19-Jul-2017 Neil Aird Photo


208-00579 - Cessna 208 N249TG Tuolumne Ridge LLC, Turlock, CA

Registered to Halden Transportation LLC, Phoenix, AZ 19-Jul-2017.

208B-5320 - Cessna 208B (GC/EX) N320ZZ USAF/AFMC/AFLCMC, Dayton, OH

Updating entry for 19-Jul-2017; flew Hilo, HI - Majuro 20-Jul-2017.

208B-5322 - Cessna 208B (GC/EX) N322ZZ USAF/AFMC/AFLCMC, Dayton, OH

Updating entry for 19-Jul-2017; flew Hilo, HI - Majuro 20-Jul-2017.

208B-5358 - Cessna 208B (GC/EX) N57AD PT Whitesky Aviation, Jakarta (Textron Finance)

Continued on delivery Majuro - Biak-Franz Kaisepo 20-Jul-2017.

Skylink Express Grand Caravan C-GEGA is seen yesterday at Kingston ON with thanks to Neil Aird.

208B-0379 Cessna 208B C-GEGA Kingston, ON 19-Jul-2017 Neil Aird Photo


340B-452 - SAAB 340B N452XJ Wells Fargo Bank Northwest Trustee, Salt Lake City, UT

Updating entry for 19-Jul-2017; flew Bangor, ME - Halifax, NS - Palma de Mallorca 19/20-Jul-2017 on delivery to the Royal Thai Air Force, where it will be 70205.
